that was so cool, probably the best stick flick iv seen
that was so cool, probably the best stick flick iv seen
lol, ur a genius dude
that was too brilliant for its own good
oh my god dude that was too cool. i seriously respect u spending so much time on a movie....fuckin awsome.
...and u took the piss outa me....tut tut
jesus christ man ur such a cock. y the hell u puttin down my movie n havin a go at me for spelling the word 'ollie' wrong (oh my god wot a crime), when ur own movies r utter shit! i mean, how hard can it be to load up some pictures and music u faggot. oh and dont bother tryin to reply with anythin cocky like 'im proud of this cus it crap...' cus that just makes u sound like a big stick of knob cheese....which is what u are. haha take that u stupid spunk bubbled twat. the only good thing about this is the music.
u r gay
man u r so gay, i cant believe u had the cheek to put down my skatin animation when ur own animation are a bunch if bollocks.that was indeed an extremely pointless crappy movie...thank you for your time....WANKAAAAAAAA
fuck you man your skate vid was horrible shit. and this vid i threw togethre without really thinking baout it. yeah it was pretty pointless but most music vids are. and yeah it fucked up when i tried loading it so the sound was fucked. anything i make can out do any of your vids. now leave me to be while i finish fucking your mom. bitch. tell her to quit bangin herself shes gettin pretty damn loose.
Age 37, Male
pro skater......;)
Joined on 6/4/03